CREATION Kids Early Childhood Education Curriculum

A comprehensive digital curriculum that promotes the development of the whole child—head, hand and heart.

CREATION Kids is a comprehensive, self-contained, digital curriculum that promotes the development of the whole child

  • Comprehensive
    CREATION Kids provides guidance for creating engaging environments; facilitating learning and growth of young children; meeting the needs of the whole child; assessing progress and individualizing instruction and experiences; growing spiritually, personally, and professionally as teachers; and connecting with the families, the church and the community.
  • Self-contained
    Everything you need is literally at your fingertips.
    • Research on effective practices in early childhood development and education
    • Instructional Lesson Guides for teacher facilitated lessons in Bible, literacy (literature, language, and pre-writing), math, science, culture and community, movement and nutrition
    • Resources such as a digital picture library, a literature companion, embedded songs and videos and much, much more!
  • Digital
    CREATION Kids is a one-of-a kind web-based, electronic curriculum. Everything you need for planning instructional activities is just a click away. The organization and layout makes the curriculum easy to understand; the platform makes the curriculum easy to navigate; and the search feature makes it easy to find what you need when you need it. Embedded music, video links, e-picture cards, links to external websites etc. means that needed materials are readily and easily accessible. Additionally, the digital format will allow you to obtain updates within minutes of being posted as well as to connect, collaborate, and keep current as well as to network with other early childhood professionals around the world.


The philosophies and principles that shape the curriculum are:

  • The Bible.
  • The Seventh-day Adventist worldview which emphasizes the importance of a relationship with Christ, character, work, nature, and service.
  • The importance of the family in the overall care, education, and well-being of young children — early childhood education and care programs serve as an extension of the home, not as a surrogate family.
  • Best practices for creating an environment that promotes engagement.
  • Principles of play-based/inquiry-based teaching and learning, and developmentally appropriate practices that promote critical thinking skills and inquiry as described in the constructivist approach to teaching and learning.

All of these philosophies are reflected in the principles of holistic living as described in CREATION Life!


“And Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52

The mission of the CREATION Kids Early Childhood Education Curriculum is to weave together instructional supports for the development of healthy and whole children, families, and communities. The curriculum is designed to facilitate the growth and development of young children, molding them to be competent learners and communicators; confident in their sense of belonging; healthy in mind, body, and spirit; and secure in the love of Christ and the Church. The Bible serves as the foundation for the curriculum. The overarching curriculum framework embodies the eight principles of CREATION Life–Choice, Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust, Interpersonal Relationships, Outlook, and Nutrition; and developmentally appropriate practices and evidenced-based research and instructional practices reinforce the curriculum’s value, integrity, validity, and reliability.

Your Instructor

North American Division ECE
North American Division ECE

From the very beginning, Adventists have focused on the importance of education and healthcare in improving people’s lives. Additionally, Seventh-day Adventists have recognized the importance of the care, nurturance and education of God’s precious little ones. Ellen G. White stated, “It is during the first years of a child’s life that his [her] mind is most susceptible to impressions either good or evil. During these years decided progress is made in either a right direction or a wrong one”, Child Guidance, p. 193. It is our desire to support you as you mold the lives, the minds, and the souls of God’s most precious gift—young children.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll