Thursday: Writing 3 Year Olds


Children will learn:

  1. To pick up various sized balls and carefully place on a paper towel tube 
  2. To strengthen their pincer grasp


  • Kinesthetic
  • Visual

Engage and Introduce

What You Will Need

  • Various sized balls that are around the size of a tennis ball. Some could be a bit smaller or larger but will need to be able to sit on the top of the tube.
  • Paper towel and toilet paper tubes
  • Baskets or bowls to place balls in
  • Trays to place the activity on

Small Group

Ball Balance

Show the children the paper towel and toilet paper tubes along with the balls. Explain to the children that they will pick a ball to place on each tube. They will have to carefully place the balls on each tube so the tube and ball do not fall over. They will have to make sure to balance it carefully over the opening at the top of the tube.


Give each child a tray with the materials listed. Have them choose the balls they want to place on each tube on their tray. Then they will need to carefully place the ball on the top of the tube so it balances there. 

  • This activity helps to develop eye-hand coordination and hand strength (pincer grasp). Important pre-writing skills. 
  • This activity can be left out in the writing exploration station for children to practice.


Observe the ease or difficulty the children have as they pick up a ball and carefully place it on the top of the tube. Notice if their eye hand coordination has developed enough that when placing the ball on the tube, the tube does not fall over and the ball fall off.  


  • Spring Cleaning
  • Materials Needed - clothes pins, string, pictures

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