Monday: Language 3 and 4 year olds


Children will learn:

To demonstrate the correct behavior in stations

LEARNING STYLES: Visual, Auditory

Introduction to Activity

What You Will Need | TREE behavior chart

Children will:

  1. Take a tour through each station 
  2. Observe the teacher as she/he models proper behavior in each station

Engage and Introduce

Children will be introduced to the Fruit of the Spirit behavior chart. This chart will let them see themselves through God's word as one of God's awesome creations:

  • Our Talk is kind and loving 
  • Our Reactions are gentle and controlled 
  • Our Emotions are patient and joyful 
  • Our Effect is peaceful and good


Walk through the stations and allow the children to see some of the activities they will be able to do during station time. Point out the word labels in the stations. These words tell us what things are and where to put them. 


Teacher: Tell me some of the things you saw today in the language station. What should your feet be doing while in stations? What should your hands be doing while in stations?

Closure and Celebrate

You did a great job helping to label parts of the center! You are also great at learning the rules of the center! God is happy when we obey. He is pleased when we listen. CREATION kids like to make God happy by obeying. CREATION kids know how to listen.

CREATION Kids Connections

Enlist the children's help in coming up with the rules for the classroom.

Have blank labels, a marker, and tape available. Ask children to help you label items in the language station. As children identify items (pencils, books, paper, etc.), write the word on a label and tape it in the correct place. 


Materials Needed:

  • TREE behavior chart
  • Name and Identify objects in stations
  • 4 year olds - Intro to LG1, LG1S1, RAN Noun cards, TREE Behavior Chart

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