Service Project

In this unit the children will be making a photo book of school activities as they begin to adjust to a new setting or get reacquainted with the school routine. This project will be for the parents and will be a surprise for them. Here are a few ideas for the photo book project:

  • Have cameras handy and available for you and for the children to be able to take pictures. Disposable cameras work well or if you have a few inexpensive digital cameras that children can use that would be great. Be sure to get a variety of pictures of the children engaged in varying activities. You can also take pictures of the different areas in the classroom, the class pet, teachers and administrators, etc. Provide each child with a scrap book or photo album. Then develop/print several copies of the pictures and allow the children to make their own scrap books using the varied pictures. You can also write comments as dictated to you by the children. 
  • You can also make a digital photo album that can be shared electronically with the parents. Here are some programs you may consider using a program like ShutterFly.

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