Friday: Closing Storytime


  1. To identify the animals that God made
  2. To move the way the animals move
  3. To make sounds of the animals


"CREATION" | Download

"What's Mine is Yours" | Download

What You Will Need

  • Pictures of the animals from the story 
  • Small bag


Quick - Fast to move

Slow - Not able to move quickly

Small - little in size

Large - Size is greater than the average size 

Sad - To be unhappy

Happy - To enjoy something 

Nice - To be friendly and kind to others

Mean - To be unkind to others

Cold - When your body temperature is not warm

Hot - When your body temperature is to warm and you sweat

Weak - To not be strong

Strong - Having the strength to lift heavy things

Loud - Making a lot of noise

Quiet - To be calm and not make a lot of noise

Tough - To be able to deal with hard situations or activities 

Gentle - Showing Kindness towards others

Brave - To not be afraid

Shy - To be uncomfortable and unsure of people and situations

Tame - Not wild

Lazy - Not wanting to do work or to be active

Busy - Always doing work or play

Suggested Reading Questions

Using the acronym CROWD, ask questions after reading the book. Write down a few questions on sticky notes and place in the book for each reading. 

  • Completion Prompts: I'm as quick as a_____, I'm as slow as a _____, I'm as large as a_____, etc. 
  • Recall Prompts: What was one of the large animals from the story (whale, shark, lion, rhino)? What was one of the smaller animals from the story (snail, ant, toad, bee, lizard)?
  • Open-ended Prompts: Why do you think the child in the story likes animals? God created all the animals. Just like you, they need to sleep. What do you think a shark looks like when it goes to sleep? What about a basset?
  • "Wh" Questions: Where do some of these animals live (ocean, forest, my house, the farm, the zoo, my backyard, a hive)? What was one of your favorite animals from the book? 
  • Distancing Questions: Do you like animals? Which animal do you act like sometimes?


Read Quick as a Cricket. As you read the story, allow your voice to change to match the characteristic of the animal you are reading about. Allow the intonations in your voice to bring the words of the book to life.

Use the animals from the book and place their pictures in a bag. Allow the children to take the pictures out, one at a time, and talk about what each selected animal did in the story.


Allow the children to name each of the animals and make the noises that the animals make. 

Teacher: The book says that the tiger is brave. What does it mean to be brave (someone who is bold, courageous, and unafraid)? Do you know anyone from the Bible who was brave (David, Daniel, Joseph)?

Making Connections

Teacher: Have you ever rolled around in the cool grass? What does the grass feel like? What does the grass smell like?

Snack Time Idea

For a snack, you may want to eat ants on a log (rod pretzels topped with peanut butter and raisins), have one of the chimp's favorite foods (banana), or eat a bee (two quarter-sized pieces of an orange slice for the wings and three grapes for the bee's body).

Songs and Closing Prayer

Morning Time is Over - Tune "Sabbath School is Over"

Morning time is over,

And we had so much fun,

We worked, we played, hello good afternoon,

We worked, we played, hello good afternoon.

(other possible endings)

…we greet our afternoon

...come again real soon


Create a daily tradition:

  • Share Experiences
  • What Did You Learn?
  • Tomorrow We Will. . .

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