Monday: Math 3 and 4 year olds


Children Will Learn:

  • To count objects with assistance


  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Kinesthetic

Engage and Introduce

What You Will Need

  • Small bowl/bag of 10 “puff balls” for each child
  • Number cards to 10
  • 10 sided dice 
  • Homework: My Family Data Collection Sheet

Teacher: Did you know that God, our Creator, has counted how many hairs are on your head? Can you imagine counting each hair on your head? I don't think I can count how many hairs are on your head, but God can. Today let's work on counting together.

Demonstrate by lifting one pompom at a time, in or out of the bowl, and counting out loud with the children up to 10.

Show the number cards to the children and have them first count to ten while flashing through the numbers.

Randomly select a number card and show it to the children. Have them think for a moment and then call out the number.

Roll the 10 sided dice (or virtual dice). Ask the children what that number is. Then count out that number of pompoms.

10 sided dice 


Hand out individual bowls and pompoms to each child.

Teacher: Today you are going to practice counting pompoms.

Have the children take all of the pompoms out of the bowl. Then put one in at a time while counting every time they add another pompom to the bowl.

Show a number on the number card and have the children count out that number into his/her bowl.

Roll the die, and the child will count out that number into his/her bowl. 


This lesson is a preliminary assessment of children's numerical familiarity upon entering the classroom. Take notes on each child's initial numerical understanding to reference in the future. In order to adjust for each child's abilities, assign math station groups based on this pre-assessment. As children work on counting out pompoms, keep a record of each child’s skill level.

Closure and Celebrate

Counting is fun, isn't it? Don't forget that God, our Creator, has counted how many hairs are on your head. Can you imagine counting each hair on your head? God can, so we can TRUST Him because He knows everything. The Bible says, "And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered" (Matthew 10:30, NIV).

CREATION Kids Connections

Hand out individual bowls and pompoms to each child.

Teacher: Today you are going to practice counting pompoms.

(This lesson will be done with the whole group. The teacher will take all the pompoms out. One child will roll the die. Identify the number on top and say it aloud. Roll the die, and the children will count that number into his/her bowl. Repeat this activity several times.)

Hand out individual bowls and pompoms to each child.

Teacher: Today you are going to practice counting with pompoms.

Have the children take all of the pompoms out of the bowl. Roll a die. Say the number that is on top. The children will put that number of pompoms in their bowl. 

Have the children write the number on an individual white board and count aloud. Repeat this activity several times.


  • Homework: My Family Data Collection Sheet
  • My Family Data Collection. Please put a tally mark for each person/animal etc. in your family. List out in a table form: Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Grandparent, Dog, Cat, Fish, Other Pet.
  • Picture Talk and using math words

Complete and Continue