Fruit of the Spirit

Goodness does not just mean being good but doing good and pushing others to do good too. We will not be good and do good all the time. But as we come to know God more and more, we change! Goodness becomes part of who we are. God gives us the power to do good! Goodness involves doing things that are right, but it goes way beyond staying out of trouble. Doing things God’s way is the definition of real goodness.


·        Fruit Salad: Talk about foods that are good for us and foods that aren’t so good for us. Have a variety of healthy fruits and some foods that aren’t so healthy. Have the children choose the fruits that are good for us and mix them into a bowl to make a fruit salad.

·        Good Like Jesus: Have the children brainstorm all the ways that Jesus was good. Chart the responses from the children. Then have them brainstorm all the ways that they can be good.

·        Good Gods’ Way: Present to the children the following scenarios and ask them what a good response would be:

Billy has a brand-new toy truck in his cubby and Tommy wants to play with it. Should Tommy take the truck from the cubby and play with it for a little bit? Why or why not? What could he do?

Sara didn’t come to school today because she is sick. What would be something good that you can do to help her?

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