Teacher Tips for Worship and Opening Circle


  • I’m A CREATION Kid
  • God Creates the World 
  • Life of Jesus (birth, death, resurrection) (read for two weeks) 


During Worship in this unit, children will first learn about what it means to be a CREATION Kid. They will also hear stories that illustrate just how much God loves us by creating our beautiful world and sending his son Jesus. The story of creation will emphasize God's original plan for us to enjoy and appreciate beauty and things in nature. The lessons are designed to emphasize our responsibility to care for our world. The story of Jesus will highlight His love for us. 


Reading Bible Stories to young children is one of the best ways of sharing God's love and helping them to know Jesus. So it's important to make the stories "come alive." Reading animatedly, using the pictures/illustrations, and reinforcing with the activities throughout the day and the week. 

The Bible Stories are embedded in the Worship section of the curriculum. You can use the story as your guide and then tell it the way that works best for you. The stories are also attached as a PDF. There are many ways that you can use the PDFs. First, you should download the story and then save it as a PDF on your device/tablet. Then you can use the document in the following ways: 1) To read as an E-book from your tablet or while projected onto a big screen, open the file, go to view, and select two-page view. This will allow you to view the Bible Story in book format. 2) You can print the story out either as single pages or as a booklet (choose either option from the print settings). 3) You can print each child a copy and have them "read along" as you read. You can also send a copy home to be read during the week with the family. 

Opening Circle

After Worship, you should engage in Circle Time Activities. 

Your circle time should reflect the needs and interests of the children in your class. 

Most circle times have some common activities such as:

  • Music (A Great Time to Review CREATION Kids songs related to the Unit as well as other songs that correspond to the theme)
  • A Review of the Calendar
  • A Discussion about the Weather
  • A Review of the Schedule
  • The Development of a Plan for the Day

It is suggested that you follow the same basic schedule each day for circle time so that the children know what to expect as well as what is expected of them. This does not mean that you cannot vary activities; it just means that you are creating a routine for the children will follow (Childcare Lounge). 

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