Friday: Math 3 Year Olds


Children will learn:

  1. To recognize numbers in the world around them
  2. To discuss numbers in the world around them 


  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Kinesthetic

Engage and Introduce

What You Will Need

  • Picture Talk - Creatures of the Sea

Share the picture with the children and explain that they will be using their math words to talk about what they see. Ask the children what Bible story was discussed earlier in the day. 

Teacher: Do you recognize anything about the picture that might remind you of the Bible story we read this morning? 


Have Children take a moment to look at the projected image and think in their minds about what they are seeing.

Ask the children about the picture using the following general prompts:

Level 1 - The Teacher and the children point and count together.

  • What do you see in this picture? (fish, octopus, pufferfish, starfish, rocks, waves, seaweed, eel)
  • Let's count the fish together, pointing as we count.
  • Point to the fish that is out of the water. 
  • Do you see a starfish?
  • Where is the starfish? (on top of the rock)
  • How many fish are blowing bubbles? (1
  • What shape are the bubbles? (circle)

Level 2- Children point and touch while counting. 

  • What do you see in this picture?
  • What do you see in the (side, middle, bottom, top) of the picture?
  • What is the smallest, largest, etc. thing in the picture?
  • How many bubbles do you see? (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
  • Can you point and name the order of bubbles? (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th)

Level 3

  • Do you see fish in a group we can count? 
  • How many fish are in the group? (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
  • How many eyes can you find? (12)
  • How many fish are swimming to the left? (1) To the right? (7)
  • How many fish are in the water? (9)
  • How many fish are out of the water? (1
  • How many fish are there altogether? (10: 7 fish that are alike and 2 that are different.)

Encourage children to verbalize their thoughts. 

Some children may need to have a print-out of the graphic in addition to seeing it projected.

Teacher: You did a great job identifying and looking for the different objects in the picture. 


Take note of how the children interact using verbal cues and questions about the picture talk. Note children's early numeracy abilities.

Closure and Celebrate

Did you know that God created us to be active in our minds as well as our bodies? When we count and think about the picture and the Bible story that you learned, that is called being mentally active. Mental activity is very important so that you can be happy and healthy.


  • Introduction to Numbers and Graphing

Complete and Continue