Wednesday: Language 3 Year Olds


Children will learn:

  1. To apply the TREE behavior chart in the language station
  2. To name the objects in the station and the classroom


  • Visual
  • Auditory

Engage and Introduce

What You Will Need

  • TREE behavior chart
  • Review with the children the TREE behavior chart.

Take a walking tour of the classroom and find objects with labels. Help children name each object. 

Take a walking tour of the classroom and find objects with labels. Help children name each object.  

Teacher: Our classroom is filled with so many items that are going to help us learn and grow. 


Take a walking tour of the classroom and find objects with labels. Help children name each object. Our classroom is filled with so many items that are going to help us learn and grow. We found words together on the TREE chart. Let's take a walk around our classroom and see what words we can find!


Notice if children are able to identify the names of objects and tell some details about them.

Closure and Celebrate

On our tour, we found and used a lot of words. You listened very well to the directions as we took our tour around the room. CREATION kids can listen to and follow directions.


  • Learning the Names of New Friends - Paw, Paw Patch Song
  • Materials Needed: Camera, Scissors, Glue, Construction paper, Laminate or clear construction paper

Complete and Continue