Closing Story Time

Children will enjoy these books:

Quick as a Cricket by Audrey Wood

Knufflebunny by Mo Willems

Dialogic Reading

Dialogic Reading – This is a technique that involves shared book reading with the children that includes asking specific questions about the story, encouraging children’s responses while reading the book and expanding on what the child says.

Suggested questions are provided for each story using the C.R.O.W.D. method or dialogic reading. The acronym stands for:

Completion prompts: When children finish a sentence or phrase that is repetitive in the book.

Recall prompts: The questions ask children to remember what happened in the book. This will help the children understand the story, the plot and the sequence of the events in the story.

Open-ended prompts: These prompts will help children focus on the details in the pictures in the book. These prompts have no right or wrong answer. These prompts will help children with their expressive detail and increase their attention to detail.

"Wh" questions: These questions typically begin with what, when, why, and how. Wh-prompts typically focus on the pictures in the book.

Distancing questions: Distancing prompts ask children how they relate to the pictures or words in the book.  

Complete and Continue