Thursday: Writing 4 Year Olds


Children will:

  1. Pick up cotton balls using tweezers
  2. Use their pincer grasp 


  • Kinesthetic

Building the Brain Minutes

Whole Group Activity

1-2 Minutes

FIRM - sit up straight, look at the teacher, and be ready to learn. 

3-5 Minutes

RAN - Continue to review the picture cards introduced and add a new card. 

First Sound Fluency - Continue to review the first sound of noun pictures shown. 

3-5 Minutes

Sounder Vowel /a/ as in apple (follow instructions from Wednesday)

Engage and Introduce

What You Will Need

  • Cotton balls
  • Child-safe tweezers or tongs
  • Ice cube tray or egg carton

Small Group Activity

Give it a Squeeze

Tell the children that we are going to practice picking up small objects. 

Teacher: We are going to be picking up small things to make the muscles in our hands 


Provide child safe tweezers or tongs and have the children pick up small cotton balls and place them in empty ice cube trays or egg cartons. You can build other skills by having the children count the objects or sort the objects.

Picking up Other Objects

Provide children with additional small objects to pick up with the tongs such as marshmallows, pom-poms, cereal in the shape of a circle, and beads. 

  • This activity helps to develop eye-hand coordination and hand strength (pincer grasp). Important pre-writing skills. 


Observe the ease or difficulty the children have as they pick up the small objects using their pincer grasp. 

Closure and Celebrate

Teacher: Today you got to pick up cotton balls with tweezers -- what fun! If you see something on the floor or ground that should be in the trash, it is good to pick it up and throw it away. God created our great big world, which we call our environment. When we pick up litter, it helps our environment stay clean. Can you say, "En-vi-ron-ment"?


  • Lines all Around
  • Materials Needed: Pictures that have vertical and horizontal lines in them, Line cards, Play dough line mats, Play dough

Complete and Continue