Monday: Art

In Advance

Set up a tray with a coffee filter, two small containers of blue and green water colors with eye droppers for several children.

What You Will Need

  • White coffee filters
  • Blue and Green water color paint
  • Eye droppers
  • Tray

Engage and Introduce

Remind the children about the Bible story and how God created the earth. Explain to them that they will be making a picture of a newly created earth by taking the droppers in the blue and green water colors and squeezing small drops of paint in the coffee filter. Show the picture of the earth from space and point out the blue areas that are water and the green areas that are the land. 


  • Create an Animal
  • Materials Needed: Animal Shapes (link to PDF), Strips or shapes of colorful paper and paper with printing on it such as scrap book paper or wall paper, Glue, Construction paper sheets, Scissors

Complete and Continue