I Spy Jesus Club

I Spy Jesus Club

Sabbath should hold a special place in the lives of our children. We want to recognize Sabbath as a Gift from God and a time to be with Him and to learn about Him. We want this time, Friday afternoon or planing for Sabbath every day, to be meaningful, spiritual, and fun for the children.

In Unit 1 the children will participate in:

  • Service Project: Photo Book of school activities – this project will be for the parents and will be a surprise for them
  • Creation Story: Light
  • Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness
  • I Spy Jesus Treasure Hunt: Let all your Special Agents know that they have a mission to always be on the lookout for the wonderful things Jesus has made: things outside in nature rather than things that are man-made.  (See each lesson for specifics)
  • I Spy Jesus Show and Share: Encourage each child to tell about what they have found and guide the discussion to encourage a love for Jesus and nature.
  • About Jesus Story Time: During this time, we will follow the life of Jesus from His birth to His death. We have an age-appropriate narrative with accompanying pictures/video. Each lesson is followed by a discussion time. 
  • Lap book craft: There will be crafts to make to add to a Lap Book the children will create throughout the year. See each lesson for which template to print out. All templates are in the Teacher Resources area.

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