Tuesday: Science


Children will learn:

  1. About their bodies 
  2. To describe how bodies are the same and how they are different


  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Kinesthetic

Engage and Introduce

Explain that while our bodies are similar to one another they are also different. Everyone has special features that makes their body different from every other body. God made us all special and he loves us, all the children of the world.

Share with the children that we all have the same basic body parts and those body parts have names. 

Questions to ask:

  • What body parts can you name? (eyes, ears, nose, arms, hands, legs, feet, etc.) 
  • How is your body like your classmates' bodies? Allow the children to share their ideas.

What You Will Need

  • Hand wipes (for clean-up)
  • Heavy white paper (9"x12")
  • Large non-toxic ink pad (assorted colors)
  • Magnifying lens
  • Newspaper or butcher paper to protect table surfaces
  • Science Data Sheet

Once the children have had some discussion about the body parts that are the same for each of them, share with them that they will be looking at a part of their body that is unique to each of them, their hand print. Explain that they will use a magnifying glass to take a closer look at each others hands and then they will make a print of their hand with paint on paper.


Teacher: Today we are going to look at something on our body that is different from everybody else. This body part is unique to you! You are going to look closely at your hands and compare them to your classmates’ hands.

Hand out magnifying lenses to children and direct them to look closely at their hands and describe what they see. Have them share their observations of their hands with their classmates.

Have the ink pads and paper on the table for children to make their handprints.

Demonstrate to the children how to press their hands flat on the ink pad and then move their hand and place it flat on the white paper. Show them how to use their free hand to help press the inked hand on the paper to make a good print.

Resources: Science Data Sheet | Download PDF  

Tell them to press their right hand firmly on the top box on the Science Data Sheet. Remind them to use their free hand to help press the inked hand on the paper. Help children as needed. Have children repeat this process with the left hand on the bottom box on the Science Data Sheet.

  • Help Children with handprints as needed.

After all the prints have been made, have children compare hand prints and look for similarities and differences.


Notice if children are able to find and name the parts of their own body.

Closure and Celebrate

In the Bible, which is God's word, Isaiah 43 says that God knows you by name. He created you in a unique way; He created every single hand print to be different.

CREATION Kids Connection

Point to the different body parts and have the children name them. Have a child volunteer to point to their various body parts and have the other children tell what they are.

  • Handprints - Have children place their hands on the ink pad and press their hand prints to the Science Data Sheet. Help them as needed. Help them to notice all the lines that are on their hands when they see the print of their hand on the paper.

Ask the children "What is the job of each of these body parts" (eyes help us see, ears help us hear, arms help us lift things, legs and feet help us run and jump)? 

Ask children to find other body parts such as waist, shoulders, neck, wrist, ankle, hip, elbow, ribs, etc.


Share the group’s hand prints with the other children. Have them try to guess whose hand print is being shown. Give each child a magnifying glass and have them take a closer look at their hands and each others' hands to see if they can guess whose hand print is on the paper by looking at the lines and finger prints. Which hands match? 


  • Full Body Model (Part One)
  • Materials Needed: Black crayon or heavy marker (non-toxic), butcher paper, mirrors (unbreakable) – available at NASCO Science, Scissors

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