Wednesday: Worship


"I'm A CREATION Kid" | Download Audio


The Bible Stories are intended to be read every day, for the entire week. This is your opportunity to make the Bible come alive for your children. There are several ways that you can read the story and engage the children with the ultimate purposes of teaching them what's true, helping them make connections in their lives, and showing them just how much God loves them! 


  • Read the story with a different purpose each day such as: 
  • Day 1: have the children predict what the story will be about and introduce the book. 
  • Days 2-3: tell half of the story each day, building anticipation for the next. 
  • Day 4: Have the children demonstrate their interpretation of the story. 
  • Day 5: Help them make connections. 
  • Integrate the suggested activities throughout the lessons each day. 
  • Ask guided questions throughout the telling of the story. 
  • Help the children make connections to their lives by giving examples and by asking questions.  
  • You have varying options for you to read the story. The story without illustrations is below and the PDF storybook with illustrations is attached. You can read the PDF storybook using your electronic devise as an eReader, you can project the story on a screen, or you can print it for you to read or to give a copy to each child.


Bible Story | Download PDF

Who wants to live a happy and healthy life? I do and I’m sure you do too. It all starts with one very important word: CREATION!

Each letter of CREATION stands for a word that tells us how we can be a happy, healthy, CREATION Kid.

The C stands for Choice. Do you know what a choice is? A choice is when you get to pick between two or more things, like should I wear my green shirt or should I wear my yellow shirt. And sometimes you have to pick between something good and something bad, like will I share my shovel or will I throw the dirt. You should always make good choices so that you can be a happy, healthy CREATION Kid!

The R stands for Rest. Do you know what rest is? Rest is when we stop or slow down from all of our busy, busy work like running, jumping, and twirling about. Rest can be quiet time with a good book, a nap, or just a short little time out. You should get plenty of rest each day, so that you can be a happy, healthy CREATION Kid!

The E stands for Environment. Do you know what the environment is? Everything around us is our environment. That means where we live, where we play, well just about anywhere we spend our day. What’s on the outside, effects what’s on the inside so keeping our environment clean and beautiful will help us be happy, healthy CREATION Kids!

The A stands for Activity. Do you know what activity means? Activity means moving, going, and doing! Did you know that our bodies were made to move? So be active today – jumping, leaping, skipping---just keep those bodies moving. Stay active and keep fit in order to be a happy, healthy CREATION Kid!

The T stands for Trust. Do you know what Trust means? Trust means knowing that someone will do what they said they would do. And do you know who we can trust more than anybody in the whole wide world? We can trust God because He is honest, He is mighty and He can do no wrong. We can trust our loving God all the day long. Learn to trust God so you can be a happy, healthy CREATION Kid!

The I stands for Interpersonal Relationships. Do you know what interpersonal relationships mean? Whew, that’s a big word, but it simply means "friends." As friends, we care for one another and we show love that never ends. Be a good friend today so that you can be a happy, healthy CREATION Kid!

The O stands for Outlook. Do you know what outlook means? Outlook means the way you think and feel. CREATION Kids think positive thoughts – “I can do it!”, “You’re the best!” CREATION Kids are happy and filled with joy! CREATION Kids are kind, gentle, and peaceful. You can put us to the test! Think positive and feel good so that you can be a happy, healthy CREATION Kid!

The N stands for Nutrition. Do you know what nutrition means? Nutrition means that we eat and drink things that are good for our bodies like plenty of water, fruits and vegetables! Carrots, apples, beans and berries, just to name a few. Some may say they’re yucky, but we think they’re quite delectable (oh, another big word. That just means good). Eat healthy today so that you can be a happy, healthy CREATION Kid!

Join in the fun as we learn more about being happy, healthy CREATION Kids, just like God wants us to be. If you’re excited and ready to learn, then shout it with me, "I’M A CREATION Kid!"

  • Have the children make the letters CREATION with their bodies before you read what each story means. 
  • Place the letters CREATION on big poster board and have the children decorate them. 
  • Spread the big letters, CREATION, on the floor and have the children find and hold up the letter that you're reading about. 
  • Print the word CREATION on large, individual strips of paper. You can also have the children decorate them. Then every time you read the story, provide each child with a strip and have them point to the letter you're reading about. Also works great when singing the CREATION Kids song.

Idea from, Director Juieta Whiteside, Foothills Preschool, Pacific Union Conference

Suggested Reading Questions

Using the acronym CROWD, ask questions before, during or after reading the story as appropriate.   

Completion Prompts: As the story is read have children fill in what each letter stands for, such as “The ___ stands for ______”. Have the children complete the paragraphs that ends with, “happy, healthy CREATION Kid!” then finish with “I’m a CREATION Kid!”.

Recall Prompts: Ask children what each letter of CREATION stands for. What can Rest be? Where is our environment? What does trust mean? Who can we always trust?

Open-ended Questions: What is a CREATION Kid?

"Wh" Questions: What were our bodies made to do? How can you be a friend?

Distancing questions: What are some of the ways that you rest? How do you help to keep your environment clean and beautiful? How do you like to be active? What are some healthy foods that you like to eat?

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