Snack Ideas

Begin teaching children about proper nutrition. Have conversations about eating healthy and making wise food choices. Here are some snack ideas for Unit 1. 

Week #1 

Monday - During the closing story, the children will read Quick as a Cricket by Audrey Wood. The children will enjoy animal crackers for the snack. Say this before you eat the snack, “Today, we read a story about several animals. We talked about the way they move. Our snack today will be filled with lots of animals. Take a look at your snack and tell me what animals you see?” 

Tuesday - On the third day God created the land and the sea. Children can make a tree out of a rectangle shaped graham cracker as the truck and sliced green apples as the foliage of the tree.   

Wednesday - In science, children are studying the uniqueness of their hand. Fill a clear plastic glove with mini crackers for snack. This hand will be an easy clean up but you may be left with lots of leftovers. 

Thursday - Turn any snack into a review of the book Knuffle Bunny. Use a small white cup and make a bunny face on the front with a permanent pen. Fill the cup with the children’s favorite snack. 

Friday - The Bible begins with the creation story. Help children celebrate the first day of creation when God separated the darkness from the light. On one side of a small plate sprinkle some raisins. On the opposite side place some yogurt covered almonds. 

Week #2 Creation 

Monday - The Bible begins with the creation story. Help children celebrate four by making a sun. Use an orange slice for the center of the sun. The rays of the sun can be made by using any triangle shaped cracker. 

Tuesday - Serve orange slices with grapes and slices of banana.   

Wednesday - The Bible begins with the creation story. Help children celebrate five with goldfish. 

Thursday - Children will be counting owls during math. Create an owl during snack by using a rice cake for the body. Almonds will work well for the eyes. Sliced carrots will double as the talons and a piece of triangle shaped cheese will be the nose. Let this adorable owl’s feet rest on a rod pretzel. If you want to get really creative, use snap peas for leaves on the branch. 

Friday - The Bible begins with the creation story. Help children celebrate the sixth day. The children will enjoy animal crackers for snack. 

Week #3 

Monday - In math, children are counting items in a picture. There are many rocks in the picture. Freeze some grapes the night before to represent the rocks in the picture. 

Tuesday - Enjoy a gingerbread man cookie. Ask the children to point to various body structures: face, ear, eye, mouth, neck, shoulder, arm, hand, finger, torso, chest, back, leg, foot, toe. (This snack will review the skills the children have already learned during science.)   

Wednesday - During writing, the children are creating a rainbow. Use a multi-colored cereal to have them create a rainbow. Call out a color and let them eat the rainbow. 

Thursday - During worship, the children are learning about the animals that lived in the barn where Jesus was born. Tell the children that these animals usually eat hay. Use potato sticks for snack. 

Friday - In math children are discussing the many ways that are all the same. They will also discover the way in which we are different. Create two different types of snacks today. On one plate put the same snack (original Kix). On another plate use berry Kix to represent the word differently. As the children pick their snack, ask them if they want a “different” snack or a snack with the “same”. 

Week # 4 

Monday - Previously the children listed to the “lub-dub” of their heart. Draw a large heart on a plain white piece of paper. Let the children outline the paper heart with cheerios.  

Tuesday - Give children a trail mix today of the following: raisins, peanuts, pecans, and any dried fruit. Ask the children to count a certain number of items and place them in their hand. Use numbers from zero to five.  

Wednesday - Eat a healthy “lollipop”. Use a coffee stirrer and small grapes to allow the children to create a lollipop. Say this before you eat, “We are going to practice making good choices. We want our snack to be healthy for our body and to help us ‘grow in wisdom and stature’ just like Jesus did.” Show a picture of a candy bar, a lollipop, and a soda. “Do you want to have a candy bar or strawberries for snack? Would you rather a lollipop or some grapes. 

Thursday - Review the writing lesson during snack time. Allow children to arrange cereal on a pipe cleaner.  

Friday - To celebrate I spy Jesus club and review Monday’s language lesson, give clues to see if the children can determine what the snack will be for the day. This is a great way to get children excited about a new fruit. Here are some examples: “Our snack today is yellow and sometimes has brown spots. What is it?” Today we will eat a green crunchy snack. It can sometimes have a stem. What is it?” Our snack is round and can sometimes be messy. What is it?” 

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