Literacy Enhancement Photos

Literacy Enhancement Photos

Pictures not only say a thousand words but they can also help you teach thousands of words, concepts, and skills when used effectively in the classroom ( Pictures can support the development of vocabulary, comprehension, the creation of stories, as well as retelling strategies. Here are a few ways that you can use the photos from this bank of digital pictures, which are all related to the themes and concepts presented within this unit:

  • Conversation Starters: Place digital picture frames around the room with the varying photos scrolling continuously. Or you can print the photos and then place in photo albums (downloading and printing at your local photo shop or an online print store is easy and affordable). You can also create a picture and vocabulary wall where the photos are displayed along with the names of the object. Children will be drawn to the pictures and may engage in conversations with one another or the photos will provide an excellent opportunity for you to ask questions, expand their vocabulary, etc.
  • Matching Game. Place the pictures in random piles and have the children locate the objects/people that are depicted in the photographs in the classroom or have two sets of the pictures printed and allow the children to play the matching game. Be sure to engage the children in conversations about the pictures.
  • Write About It: Show the children a series of pictures and have them write a group story about the pictures. Be sure to draw out parallels to what you’re currently learning about in this particular unit.
  • Introduce and Discuss the Unit: Using the pictures as cues, have children predict what they believe the unit/theme/activity may be about based on the pictures. You can also have the children use the pictures to describe the book they read during circle time, what they ate during snack time, an activity they engaged in during play, and/or what they did yesterday and what they plan to do tomorrow, etc. 
  • How Do You Feel: Young children are also developing important ideas--and vocabulary--about their emotions and the emotions of others. Photographs can help children learn the language for how they feel in addition to role playing varying social situations.

ANIMALS - Download Photo Group

SCHOOL - Download Photo Group

BODY PARTS - Download Photo Group

ENVIRONMENT - Download Photo Group

EMOTIONS - Download Photo Group

LINES - Download Photo Group

HOMES - Download Photo Group

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