Friday: Math 4 Year Olds


Children will learn:

  1. To count using one-to-one correspondence
  2. To count out items to match the amount called out 


  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Kinesthetic

Engage and Introduce

What You Will Need

  • Star shapes
  • Baskets to place stars in
  • Black construction paper

Have baskets of twenty stars for each child. Explain to the children that they will line up the stars and count how many they have. Once they have counted them out and found out how many they have, explain that they will now need to take some of the stars and place them in the night sky (black construction paper). Once they have placed the number of stars in the sky that the teacher has called out then they need to count how many stars they have left in the line. Have children touch each star, as they count this will help them build their one-to-one correspondence skills.


Teacher: Today we are going to count stars. Please take out the stars and line them up.

Great! Now count how many stars you have.

Yes, you have twenty.

Now I am going to have you place some stars in the night sky. (Show the children the black construction paper that will be used as the night sky.)

I am going to have you take two stars from the line and place them in the night sky.

Now count together how many stars are left in the line. (Have the children touch each star as they count.)

The teacher can also request to have some stars put back in the line and have the children count how many they have.

Do this several times up to 20 stars removed or put back in the line.


Notice if the children are able to count out the stars they have. Observe if they understand how the amount changes when two or more stars are taken from the line and placed in the night sky. Notice if they understand the concept of the number amount changing when a star is taken away or added to the night sky. 

Closure and Celebrate

Have you ever looked up at the sky at night and tried to count all the stars? God created all those twinkling stars and only he knows how many are in the sky. CREATION kids do not have to know how many stars God created, we just have to know that he created them and us because he loves us. 


  • Introduction to Numbers and Graphing

Complete and Continue