Friday: I Spy Jesus Club


Teachers:  Make an Agent Badge for each child. Use card stock to make small circles. Write their names on their badge and Laminate. Also, prepare or buy special scarves or T-shirts for each special agent. Add velcro to the badge and to the shirt or scarf and place the badge on.


  • Agent Badges
  • Any other clothing to signify membership in the club - scarf, T shirt, etc.
  • Star Stickers for rewards

For the Lap-book Craft

  • Manger and Baby template (Teacher Resources)
  • Pieces of the craft cut out on the suggested colored paper
  • Glue

Setting up for Friday Night and Suggestions for Getting Started

While children are still resting, prepare the classroom by making it a special place set apart for Sabbath. Some ideas would be a tablecloth on a table, battery candles, flowers, chairs in a circle, and soft music playing. 

After afternoon snack, gather children for I Spy Jesus Club Time (See Teacher Notes for explanation).

At this first meeting, explain all about the club, being agents, badges, etc. to the children. Explanations for the children are given at the beginning of each section. They are written in italics.

"It is the time for our I Spy Jesus Club Meeting. We are going to meet here every Friday (or everyday) right after rest time and afternoon snack. During our club time, you will become Special Agents for Jesus. You are going to learn how Jesus created the world with His mighty super power. Then you will go on an I Spy Jesus Treasure Hunt looking for things in Nature that Jesus created, and after that, you will report back to the other agents and tell them all about what you discovered during the I Spy Jesus Show and Tell. This is why our club is called the I Spy Jesus Club. We look for things Jesus has created."

"To be agents you need to put on your badges. I have a special, official agent badge for each one of you with your name on it. As you complete each day's mission, you will receive a star to decorate your badge. You also have a special scarf to wear so that everyone will know you are a special agent for Jesus." (Teachers, you could also use a hat, or T-shirt or a vest made out of a solid colored T-shirt cut up the middle, or anything to make the children feel like special agents.) 

"God, the Creator, has created us to move for six days and REST on the seventh day. He knew that our bodies would need to REST and relax in a special way with Him on the Sabbath. The REST that we get every seventh day helps us be ready for the next six days of ACTIVITY."

Read Aloud to Children

8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns.. Exodus 20:8-10

Tune of Frère Jacques

We are agents

Special agents

We find clues

All around

Jesus is Creator

Of everything in nature

Look and see.

Look and see.

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Fruit of the Spirit - Goodness

I know you all have seen a tree! But have you seen a tree that has fruit growing on it? Have you seen apples or bananas or pears growing on a tree?

Did you know that in order for that fruit on the tree to grow, it needs the sunlight that God created to shine one it? It needs the water that God created to rain on it. And it needs the good soil that God created to feed the roots. In order for a tree to have fruit, it needs sunlight and water and good soil.

See this tree growing beautiful fruit. What does this tree need in order to grow? (Soil, Water, Sun)

Jesus wants us to grow lots of good fruit too. The Bible tells us that Jesus is like the trunk of a fruit tree. We are like the branches that the fruit grows on. Jesus, the tree trunk, gives us all we need to grow and produce fruit. BUT, the fruit He wants us to grow is very different from the kind of fruit that grows on fruit trees and vines. 

 Are you wondering what kind of fruit could grow on a person? What kind of fruit could grow on you? Do you have a funny picture in your head of an apple dangling from your ear or a banana coming out of your nose?

Well, when Jesus talks about you growing fruit, He is talking about spiritual fruit. That means Jesus wants you to be just like Him. Not in the way you look but in the way you treat other people -- in the way you act. He wants you to be good and loving and patient just like He is. This is the fruit He wants to produce in you. 

This week you have been learning about the fruit of Goodness. When we have the fruit of Goodness growing in us, God can count on us to turn away from bad things. Let’s look at four pictures that will help us learn about the fruit of Goodness.

Showing Goodness

Suggested Questions: What are these boys doing? Are these boys showing goodness? We show goodness when we share with our friends.

Showing Goodness

Suggested Questions: What is this girl doing? Do you help out at home? We show goodness when we are kind and helpful at home.

Showing Goodness

Suggested Questions: What does this girl have in her hands? How is she showing goodness? We show goodness when we are kind to animals.

Opposite of Goodness

Suggested Questions: What is happening in this picture? Are these children showing goodness? When we do not share and are selfish, we are not showing goodness.

As Special Agents for Jesus, it is important to have goodness in our heart toward our family, our friends, our animals and our earth. Let's see if we can see Special Agents acting with goodness today. Let's ask Jesus to grow the fruit of Goodness in us. 

Prayer: Dear Jesus, we want to be like you and show goodness to those around us. Please grow goodness in our hearts. Amen

Sing the Fruit of the Spirit Song: 

Have the children listen to the song below. Explain the meaning of the words

This video is not available. Please contact the instructor for more information.

Song and Arrangement by Jeremy and Jenna Wescott

Love is greatest, God is love

Patience, Self-control is right

Joy sings through the storms above

Peace sleeps through the night.

Holy Spirit fill my heart

Jesus may my soul take root

Father now I give my will

Till my life bears fruit

Kindness helps a poor little child

Goodness lends a helping hand

Faithful braves the wind and wild

Gentle warms a lamb

Holy Spirit fill my heart

Jesus may my soul take root

Father now I give my will

Till my life bears fruit

Planning Ahead for week 4  

You will need a Fruit of the Spirit Tree made by Week 4 

The Fruit of the Spirit Tree:

Make a large tree cut out of brown paper – at least 6 feet tall. This will be put on a wall. Below is an example of a Fruit of the Spirit Tree that will eventually hold all the "Fruit" of the Spirit. Have the trunk and different colored large green leaves ready to put up during class on the fourth week. 

Creation Story - Day 1 - Light

A long, long time ago our world was empty. There were no people. There were no animals. There were no trees. The Bible tells us the earth was void. That means empty. The Bible also tells us that the earth was very dark -- so dark that if you were there and put your hands right in front of your face, you wouldn't be able to see them. (Close your eyes and see how dark that would be. Can you see your hands in front of your eyes? That is how dark the earth was.) It was really, really dark. 

The Bible tells us that God the Son spoke over the darkness, "Let there be light!", and instantly there was light. 

God didn’t need a lamp or a light switch on the wall to make light. He didn’t need a candle or a flashlight or a lantern. God doesn’t need anything like that. He has so much power, He can do everything. All God did was speak, and immediately there was light. Only God has power to do that.

The Bible says, “And God saw the light, that it was good: And God divided the light from the darkness.” (Genesis 1:4) He called the light, day and the darkness, night. There was evening and morning on the first day.

Now you know how light was created. You know how powerful God is, and that He created light. You know that God created daytime with its light and nighttime with its darkness.

Discussion Ideas:  Is anyone afraid of the dark sometimes? After discussion, teach the song All Night, All Day. It is a great reminder that angels are always watching over them and that they are never alone, even in the dark.

Our Song for the Unit: All Night, All Day

All night, all day, Angels watching over me my Lord

All night, all day, Angels watching over me.

Now I lay me down to sleep,

Angels watching over me my Lord

Pray the Lord my soul to keep,

Angels watching over me

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Arrangement by Jenna Wescott

Before we go outside for our I Spy Jesus Treasure Hunt, lets have prayer thanking Jesus for the light and asking Him to give us sharp eyes to discover some wonderful things that He has created.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for giving us light. Please help us see some wonderful things you have created for us in nature.

I Spy Jesus Treasure Hunt


During the Treasure Hunt time, the children should be looking for evidence of God’s creative hand in nature. Encourage them to look carefully at the world around them and notice the things that God has created: leaves, dirt, insects, seeds, bark, flowers, etc. Encourage them to understand the difference between man-made things and things created by God. If you have binoculars and kid safe magnifying glasses available, they would be great to use during the Treasure hunt.

Sometimes it will be impossible to go outside because of weather. Encourage the children to bring something from home that Jesus created. They could bring a picture of birds or insects or flowers, etc. As the teacher, you may want to have a collection of interesting items or pictures to use if needed. Keep them in a special box.

Special Agents, lets go outside now for our I Spy Jesus Treasure Hunt. Lets be on the lookout for some of the wonderful things Jesus has made: things found in nature. God created the world with so many beautiful things. When you really look at God's creation with sharp eyes, you will notice the wonderful colors and patterns and designs of flowers, birds, insects, rocks, animals and leaves. Everything God created is perfect and beautiful. They are not like man-made things, that rust, crumble and break-down. Things like cars, houses, appliances and toys are man-made. Today we are looking for something that God made that seems special to us.

I Spy Jesus Show and Tell

For the teacher:

As soon as everyone has found something from nature to share, have the children gather together outside in the play yard for I Spy Jesus Show and Tell. (Or you can wait until after recess, and have the club meet back inside the classroom for their show and tell time.) The teacher should encourage each child to tell about what they have found and guide the discussion to encourage a love for Jesus and nature. The objective is that each child will find delight in the works of God’s creative hands.

About Jesus Story Time

Born in a Stable -

The Birth of Jesus

Luke 2:2-4

In order to be special agents for Jesus, we have to know all we can about His life. We are going to start with the birth of Jesus as a little baby.

(Teachers: Below is a video and a story about the Birth of Jesus. You can use one or the other or both. Following is the Lap book Activity that goes with the Birth of Jesus.

The First Christmas

GraceLInk: KA Q4 L10

Today's Story - The First Christmas

The weeks and months passed after Mary and Joseph married. Mary often wondered about the baby growing inside her. “What will He be like?” she thought. “How should we raise Him? I already love this little boy; I will be careful to teach Him and bring Him up in God’s ways.”

        About this time, the ruler of the country decided to count the number of people in his land. People who owned land would have to pay tax money at this time. Every man was to return to his hometown to sign up and pay his taxes.

        Joseph and Mary were worried. Joseph’s hometown was called the City of David, Bethlehem. It was about 70 miles away from Nazareth. The trip would cost them money. And then, maybe, Joseph would have to pay taxes. But more than that, it was nearly time for Mary’s baby to be born, and it wouldn’t be good for Mary to travel now. Joseph didn’t like the idea of leaving Mary behind and going to Bethlehem. But what could they do?

        They knew the Bible prophecies about the Messiah. He would be born in Bethlehem, City of David, the very place Joseph was going on tax business. Mary and Joseph decided they would trust God. They believed God would take care of them and the baby, no matter where they were.

        So Joseph loaded up a little gray donkey with the things they would need for the trip: food, a skin filled with water, blankets, clothes, and a clean, square piece of cloth to wrap a newborn baby in.

        The road to Bethlehem was rough, and the trip was long. They traveled with other people, all heading back to their hometown to pay their tax. For four or five days they traveled –- Mary on the back of the donkey and Joseph walking beside. No doubt many tines Joseph stopped and asked, "Mary, are you all right? Are you sure?"

        When finally Joseph led the donkey through the city gates of Bethlehem one evening, they both felt exhausted. But they had made it – just in time!

        “Joseph, it feels like the baby might be born tonight,” Mary said. “Let’s hurry and find a room for the night as quickly as we can.”

        “Yes, Mary. Don’t worry. I’ll find a nice place for us somewhere,” Joseph answered. But it wasn’t as easy as that. Every inn was full! It seemed there was no room in Bethlehem for Mary and Joseph.

        “Try the inn on the corner,” a traveler told them. “Sometimes, Zeke, the innkeeper, lets people sleep in his stable when the rooms are full.”

        So Joseph led the donkey on. Now it was growing dark. The stars were coming out, and a little sliver of moon shone in the dark blue sky. Silently Joseph prayed that he might find a place for Mary. Her face looked so pale and tired. There had to be some place for their baby to be born.

        “I’m sorry,” said Zeke from the front door of his inn. “I have no empty rooms tonight.”

     “I’ve tried everyplace,” answered Joseph. “My wife is expecting a baby. She thinks it will be born tonight. Don’t you know of any place she can stay?” Joseph pleaded.

        The innkeepers looked at Mary’s tired face and then back at Joseph. “Well,” he began, “we do have a little stable where we keep our animals. I let people sleep there sometimes. It’s not much – but I suppose it’s better than nothing.”

        “Thank you, thank you. We’ll take it,” Joseph answered quickly as he followed Zeke to the stable behind the inn.

        The door of the stable creaked. The lantern gave light into the dark doorway of the little barn. “I hope you will be comfortable here, “Zeke said. “I know my wife would be glad to help when the baby is ready to be born.”

        “Thank you,” said Joseph. “I’ll tell Mary.” Quickly Joseph helped her into the stable. They noticed the warm, friendly smells of a barn: fresh hay and grain and the smell of leather straps and saddles. They heard the peaceful sounds of a barn, too: the soft breathing of the gentle cows and the soft rustling of hay as the donkey shuffled around feeding. The animals did not seem to mind guests that night.

        I guess it’s not a bad place to sleep,” Joseph said to Mary, “but I don’t know about a baby being born in a stable.”

        Mary tried to smile. “It’s all right, Joseph. Don’t worry. I believe God has led us to this place.”

        It was there, in a little stable with the smells and sounds of a barn, that the Messiah was born. Just as God had promised, Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem and from the tribe of Judah. At just the right time, the King of heaven came to earth as a baby.

        It was the most wonderful night in all of earth’s history. But it seemed nobody knew what had happened.

        Like all fathers, Joseph must have held the baby in his arms. Perhaps he whispered softly. “Your name is Jesus.”

                                   A Child's World vol 2 - pg 21-22

Lap Book Craft - A Manger and Baby

Before class, make the lap books for each child by cutting a sheet of large colored poster paper into long lengthwise strips -- making four from each poster. Fold the strip in half and then open it up and fold the two ends into the centerfold. This is their lap book. The lap book will keep the Life of Jesus crafts for this quarter all together, creating a booklet that each student can “read” and review.

The lap book craft for this lesson is a simple box manger and baby to glue on the first page of the lap book.


  1. Make copies of the Baby Jesus in a manger template
  2. Cut the mangers from brown paper or children an color
  3. Cut the blankets from blue or color blue
  4. Cut out heads from flesh-colored paper or color skin color to match theirs.
  5. Have children glue pieces together in their lap book
  6. Optional: Glue or print the word Baby on the Lap book page 

Closing Prayer

Did anyone notice Special Agents acting with goodness today? (Try to catch several examples of the Fruit of the Spirit -- Goodness -- during club time so that you can describe what goodness looks like in practice. To those who were caught acting with goodness, present them with a small, colored star for mission accomplished. Place the star on the front of their badge along the edge.

Today we learned about what Jesus created on the first day, we spied Jesus in some of His creation and we heard about His birth. We learned about the Fruit of the Spirit that comes from Jesus and are beginning to notice goodness in those around us.

Poem - The Old Old Story

No nice little cradle

No soft little bed

And no little pillow

For the baby Jesus' head

No nice little sweaters

So warm and neat

And no little booties

For his dear little feet

But away in a manger

This little boy lay

While Mary watched over Him

Asleep in the hay

Thank you, Jesus, for coming to this earth as a little baby. Thank you for loving us so much. Thank you for growing up to die on the cross for us. We love you.  

Complete and Continue